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Stratton-Eustis Lions Club Donate AED Units


In the fall of 2019, the Stratton-Eustis Lions Club circulated a Community Needs Assessment to the Selectmen, the Library, the School, and the Fire Department.

The Selectmen identified the need for two AED (Automated External Defibrillator) units, one for the north end of town; one for the south. The Stratton-Eustis Lions began the search for just the right units for our community, talking to fire departments and first responders, while writing a grant application from the Sugarloaf Charity Trust Foundation.

This spring, things finally came together – the choice of the units was made, the

grant money was received, and the balance of the purchase would come from the

proceeds of the Stratton-Eustis Lions cans and bottles redemption program, our year ‘round fund raiser.

On February 22nd, Sally Iverson, President of the Stratton-Eustis Lions Club, presented these two AED units to the Board of Selectmen at their regular meeting.

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